Everything Spoiled Privacy Policy

The privacy policy for everythingspoiled.com is as follows:

  • Personally, I don't really want to know or need to know who's coming to the website. I would like to keep an eye on whether or not anyone is stopping by, so I did sign up for Google Analytics. I will have access to whatever Google Analytics tells me. That should be limited to the IP, the time, and page that was viewed. This is pretty anonymous. I'm not interested enough to try to find out more.
  • The domain is registered at GoDaddy. Maybe the GoDaddy name servers might be able to tell them something about you. Then again, maybe not. I have no idea.
  • I use Amazon Web Services' Route 53. I don't know if that makes a difference.
  • The files are hosted in a Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. I'm sure Amazon is tracking access to the files, but I wouldn't know what they track.
  • I settled on using Disqus for the commenting system. You can read their privacy policy here. There's also a user's guide here.
  • I might add the Facebook Like button or the Google +1. If/when I do, you can be sure the one I choose will be mining those likes or +1's for some information.
  • I would like to put some ads at some point on the website for three of reasons.
    • If I'm writing about a book, movie, or game, I might as well have an ad that lets you buy the item.
    • It sure would be nice if I can make enough money off the ads to support this website.
    • It would be even nicer if I can make enough money off the ads to actually supplement my income.
    Whomever winds up supplying the ads will most likely be tracking the ads, along with whomever they choose to share the information with.

If any of this worries you, it really shouldn't. Everything I mentioned here is happening every time you hop on the World Wide Web to visit any website, whether it's from your computer, tablet, or phone. If you're still worried, there are tools out there that can help hide your identity, and I'd be happy to recommend some. Those aren't foolproof, so they're there to make you feel better. In this day and age, if you don't want to be monitored, your only real option is to stay single and lock yourself in a room (significant others and kids have a bad habit of intruding... trust me).

July 9, 2013