Everything Spoiled Terms of Service

Most websites combine the terms of service and terms of use into one document. I figured I break it up into 2.

These terms of service describes what services this website will provide to you.

  • This website is meant to entertain you. Whether or not it does is really up to you.
  • I will provide a commenting function eventually, but I doubt I will bother moderating it. Read comments at your own risk. Remember, there are a lot of Internet trolls out there.
  • I'll try to keep the language of the content I publish on this website at a PG or PG-13 level. There is a good chance the books, movies, games, and topics I write about will contain mature material because according to my age, I'm an adult. I make no promises on the ads and any comments people leave (if there are any).
  • Having said all this, try and exercise some good judgement. Please try not to cross the imaginary line I have in my head.
  • If you have any questions, suggestions, requests, or complaints, you're free to let me know, and I'm free to ignore them. I'll try not to.
  • I hope you'll enjoy the website, but if you don't, you're free to leave at any time.

These terms are subject to change. I may or may not remember to put up a notice on the home page or make a blog(-like) post about it to let you all know. This makes my life easier because I am getting old and forgetful by the second.

July 11, 2013