What Exactly is Blog(-like)?

Short version: I was lazy

I thought of including a blog with the website from the beginning. I figured it would give me a chance to share my ideas behind the website, in case anyone cares. However, the first time I tried to create this website, I went way overboard. I signed up for hosting with GoDaddy with a Linux virtual server and installed WordPress, phpBB, MySQL, and probably a bunch of applications I can't remember. I spent so much time setting up applications that I didn't actually create anything and eventually lost interest.

The second and third time I tried to get some momentum in writing, I tried creating a blog on Blogger. It was a strange experience. I tried to stick to a schedule of writing one blog per week, which made me feel constrained. On the other hand, without a specific focus to the blog, I was writing about anything and everything that came to mind. Bottom line, the results was not good.

This time, I'm going to try to keep it simple. Anyone looking at the HTML source will see that I went with a very simple layout created using Twitter Bootstrap. I added some formatting with a custom CSS, but really basic stuff. I haven't taken the time to style the links and menu. The banner I created using MS Paint. The goal is to create something basic so I have no excuses to get started. I also have enough different areas to work on so I will stay motivated. I have a choice of writing, adding to the CSS, looking into adding ads and comments, etc. The only thing I couldn't decide on was how to incorporate a blog.

In the end, I decided to "make my own" in the sense that I will make blog like posts, then add the comment function and the archive links myself. There isn't a commenting system yet, but I'll find time for that soon. In the mean time, I've gone further with this idea than any previous attempts. Hopefully, I'm doing something right.
